An Autumnal Report

5 Nov 2022

To begin, a poem from our monthly newsletter, Mistletoe by Walter de la Mare:


The beautiful Autumn colours are giving us much joy at the
moment and we can now definitely feel the winter

The chapel garden is starting to go to sleep
and our huge trees in the chapel grounds are shedding
their leaves. It is a good time for reflection and to find the
calm and quiet within ourselves. In the chapel, we had a
very fruitful discussion on how to approach the wider
population here in Warrington and make them realise that
we do exist. A great idea was to start a coffee/tea
morning and so show off our beautiful chapel and welcome
the passer byes. We have progressed from 3 people, the
first time, to having a very large lively and chatty group
on the second date. Wonderful...

We all had a really nice visit performing the Rivington
Pilgrimage to the wonderful old chapel there and sharing
lunch together with all the others.
In our Chapel, we will be reminded of all the past and
sadly, also present tragedies resulting from the wars, in
our Remembrance Service on Sunday led by Ray.
We are all looking forward to the Christmas Service on the
4th December with Ray and our Candlelit Service on the
18th December at 4pm led by Lesley. It is some time to
go until Christmas but we can already feel that it is not too
long away until we all can enjoy that lovely time again.
Wishing everybody a happy and peaceful time.

Best wishes,
