The Chair's Report

10 Mar 2023

It seems spring is finally arriving...

The Chapel's Spring Garden is already in bloom.

It seems spring is finally arriving and we all feel relieved to welcome some warmer days soon and appreciate the wonderful snowdrops and daffodils around us. Life has been quite tough during this cold winter with financial struggle for everybody and trying to keep the heat on.

Our TEA and TOAST mornings are lovely in the chapel and are now quite established on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month. It is really nice to see people meeting up and appreciating our lovely chapel.

In addition to our individual and personal difficult times, we really have to look at what is happening around us. At a very tragic event in our home town of Warrington the beautiful girl Brianna Ghey was killed. It was such horrendous crime inflicted by two teenagers who must have been so full of hate. The vigil was attended by members of our congregation since this is exactly what our Unitarianism is all about, freedom of thought and choices you make in your life and respect to our fellow human beings. These are our principles to live by and to be addressed in our services, so eloquently addressed by Jean Clements the minister.

The war is still going on in the Ukraine just to satisfy one despot about his world vision. How tragic all these sufferings but all we can do is to concentrate to help, to support and be there for anybody who needs us.

With all best wishes,
